I hope everyone enjoyed BrightonSEO yesterday. Tracking down the slides and videos from conference presentations is always a time-consuming challenge, so I’ve done the hard work for you.

If you know of any slides or Twitter handles I’m missing to date, please get in touch on @JackNorell or via email at hello@jacknorell.com.
If you’re the presenter of any of the below, and you’d like to add a short summary of your presentation, add a link to your blog post about it or to your website, please get in touch as above.
Session 1
Social track
Real-Time Marketing for any Brand
Google+ for Brands
The Ins & Outs of Testing Social
Covers many tools and ways to test your social media efforts.
International track
International Link Curation
What are the key things in creating links internationally?
International Social & Link Building
Alessandro’ presentation on “International and Social Link Building” focussed on the untapped potential of international social media markets for UK companies. It also featured Batman, Robin and Bane – what more could you want from a Brighton SEO presentation?
Alessandro Brunelli |
Slides |
@Ale_Brunelli |
Caliberi.com |
The Other Search Engines
Since Google has the biggest market share in Europe, we tend to only watch their developments. Don’t forget we have other search engines too: how are Blekko, Yandex, Baidu, Sogou and other “foreign” engines developing?
Networks track
How Do You Trust People and Pages You’ve Never Seen Before
Making Sense of Lots of Data
Social Signal Processing. An Introduction.
Introduction to Social Signal Processing, the computing domain aimed at modelling analysis and synthesis of nonverbal communication in human-human and human-machine interactions.
Session 2
Creative track
Video Hacks
Phil takes us through tips and tricks on making video work at it’s best for SEO.
The Rules of ‘The Game’: 6 Tips for Successful Outreach
Actionable Content Marketing and Strategy
Tony Samios took to the main stage with his presentation on “Actionable Content Marketing and Strategy”, which mixed in-depth, actionable advice with the odd X-Factor audition video. “Ant and Deaf” – quality!
Tony Samios |
Slides |
Caliberi.com |
Linkbuilding That "Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time"
LoMo track
Mobile Strategy for Small Businesses
Design for Mobile… Responsive or Adaptive
Managing Local Listings
Local Search requires consistent branch level information listed in multiple local listing sites to work effectively. David Whatley from MiShop.local discusses how brands can use their network to significantly extend their local search footprint. He also talks about the “NAP Anchor” – where consistent Name Address and Phone Number together provide the unique identifier for local search.
David Whatley |
Slides |
@MIShopLocal |
MiShopLocal.co.uk |
Effective Adwords Tactics for Local Businesses
AdWords have come under fire for becoming too expensive for small and local businesses. These advanced PPC tactics help you become competitive again.
Technical track
Crawling the Internet for Fun and Profit
How to Crush the Competition by Watching the SERPs
In-Core Mining of Large Networks
A Crash Course in Natural Language Processing
Session 3
Onsite track
The Keyword is Dead: Long Live the Keyword
Next Gen Measurement in Google Analytics
Dara’s presentation provides a look into the new ‘Universal Analytics’ and other new features of Google Analytics, with some ideas on how to make the most of what they have on offer.
Dara Fitzgerald |
Slides |
@darafitzgerald |
Fresh Egg |
On Page Content Marketing
Ecommerce SEO – Selling Does Not Make You Link Worthy
Links track
Make Your PR Idea a National SEO Success
Data and Content Production
Low Cost Link Building with Juicy, Juicy Data
The Inhouse and Agency SEO Should be Friends
If you have a client with an experienced Search Manager in place you should be thanking your lucky stars. The inhouse SEO can be your best asset, so don’t make them your worst enemy. PLUS, the hidden dangers of having a client with no in-house expertise.
Max Brockbank |
Slides |
@maxormark |
maxbrockbank.com |
Hacks track
Increasing Prices without Losing Sales
Acquiring customers is increasingly difficult. 98% of site visitors won’t buy and our marketing is incredibly ineffective. This has been bugging marketers for decades. Justin Deaville shows how the lessons that direct mail marketers learnt over decades can rapidly boost your conversion rates through testing.
Justin Deaville |
Slides |
@justindeaville |
Receptional.com |
More Offline Leads from Online Traffic
We all spend vast sums of money on digital marketing activities that drive traffic to our websites. What can we do to get the right type of traffic, and increase our conversion rate, leads and sales?
The Magic of APIs
Facebook Ad Optimisation
Stephen Croome |
Firstconversion.com |
Session 4 – Lightning Talks
How We Plan Editorial at BBC Sport
Tech Holes in Your Reporting
Schema & You: Making Microdata Sexy
How Five Ski Companies Built Links with Great Content Marketing
7 Minute SEO
Multi-channel Technical SEO
Director of Strategy Mike Briggs was on hand to present a seven-minute “lightning” on “Multichannel Technical SEO”, which he described as “Website Structure for Humans, Robots & Profit”.
Michael Briggs |
Slides |
@michaelkebriggs |
mercurythread.co.uk |
Breaking Down the Silos
Still hungry for more BrightonSEO content? Tony Dimmock put up a round up with links to all the presentations and writeups.